Posts By: Cobie-Ray Johnson

Audio Excerpt From The Artifact Hunters

Hi all – yes, The Artifact Hunters is an audiobook! Read by the remarkable Ralph Lister, I’m thrilled to be able to share with you a Soundcloud excerpt. Check it out, and then, if you have an Audible account, you can listen to the entire book. Happy listening!

The Scottish Celts: The Faerie Courts and The Ring of Brodgar

The Artifact Hunters is a story about magic and is set in Scotland so naturally I wanted to include aspects of Celtic mythology and history. The Faerie Courts In Scottish mythology, the Realm of Faerie is inhabited by two types of fae: the “good” and the “wicked”. The good faeries are members of the Seelie… Read more »

The Old-New Synagogue and the Golem of Prague

I was lucky to visit Prague just as I was editing The Artifact Hunters, and we spent four days researching for Isaac’s backstory and childhood experiences. Prague is a beautiful city, occupied by the Nazis, who turned the country into a “Protectorate”. The Old-New Synagogue and Josefov Isaac Wolf, my main character in The Artifact… Read more »

Ancient Clocks, From Greece To Prague

Because the Death’s Head Watch and time travel play such an important role in The Artifact Hunters, I used other time pieces in the story. The Antikythera Mechanism In 1901, in the Mediterranean Sea off the Greek island of Antikythera, an artifact was retrieved from an ancient wreck. It is a complex clockwork from ancient… Read more »

Time Travel

One of the more popular science fiction tropes is that of time travel. Is it possible? What would happen if it were? How, in fact, does time work? The idea of time travel is exactly what I wanted to explore with the Death’s Head Watch in The Artifact Hunters. Einstein’s Theories of Time Albert Einstein,… Read more »